Arts Education for Everybody? Every Student? Everywhere?

The World Alliance for Arts Education International Conference is happening in Frankfurt, Germany, 28 Oct to 1 Nov 2019.

Early bird registrations close on 15 March.

At this conference, WAAE will review UNESCO Arts education policies and chart a plan for the next 5 years of action. The conference will focus on evaluating the situation of Arts Education in formal education (Schools) – quantity, quality, accessibility, models for arts cooperation etc. We invite researchers and experts from national arts education associations to contribute to the evaluation of diverse ‘real situations’, judge them and discuss strategic planning with UNESCO experts about next steps and aims for the next decade of arts education policy.

WAAE is a key partner of World Dance Alliance.

Next WDAAP Annual General Meeting in Bangladesh, Nov 2019


The next Annual General Meeting of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific will be held in the beautiful seaside town of Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh, from 22-25 November 2019. The event will take place in conjunction with the Ocean Dance Festival, organized by Nrityajog (WDA-Bangladesh).

The event will include twinning projects, choreolabs, seminars, workshops and performances.

Currently, the event invites proposals for scholarly gatherings of papers, panel discussions, dance research workshops, lecture demonstrations, workshops, posters/installations and Pecha Kucha that address the WDA-AP AGM core theme of ‘Bridging the Gap’ through dance.

Here are the key dates:

  • 25 February 2019: Submissions close
  • 25 April 2019: Notification of acceptance
  • 25 May 2019: Deadline for submission of revised proposals
  • 25 June 2019: Final notification of acceptance by email

Registration has not been activated as yet, but the dates to remember are as follows:

  • Early bird registration up to 01 May 2019
  • Full registration from 02 May 2019

For more information, check out the event website:

Southeast Asian Choreolab 2019

SEA Choreolab 2019 Images1

Call for Applications

Please note: the dates for the SEA Choreolab 2019 have been changed to 6 to 14 July 2019.

We invite emerging contemporary dance choreographers (or performance artists or physical theatre creators) from Southeast Asia to apply for the Southeast Asian Choreolab 2019.

This international choreographic laboratory will take place at Rimbun Dahan, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 6 to 14 July 2019, facilitated by Australian choreographer Liesel Zink.

Due date for applications: 30 November 2018.

More info:

This is a joint project of Rimbun Dahan, MyDance Alliance, and World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific.

Applicants to this project should be citizen of and resident in an ASEAN country (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam) or Papua New Guinea or East Timor.

June 2018 Edition of Asia-Pacific Channels

JDK Crew from Aotearoa/New Zealand, during celebrations for International Dance Day 2018. Photo: Sean Aickin.
JDK Crew from Aotearoa/New Zealand, during celebrations for International Dance Day 2018. Photo: Sean Aickin.

A new edition of Channels is available to download!

Asia–Pacific Channels is the bi-annual magazine of the World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific (WDAAP), published by Ausdance National in collaboration with MyDance Alliance in Malaysia. It profiles dance events and activities from WDA members throughout the Asia–Pacific region.

June 2018 Edition

In addition to the usual reports from our executive committee, network heads and chapter reports, here are some highlights from this edition:

  • Channels_June2018_coverpageA special tribute to Professor Linda Caldwell, whose energy and generosity united World Dance Alliance Americas and beyond.
  • Our cover image is from the Hong Kong Dance Awards, established by Hong Kong Dance Alliance. Congratulations to long-time WDAAP member Anna Chan who won this year’s Distinguished Achievement Award.
  • Much anticipation in this issue of the Panpapanpalya 2018 Joint Dance Congress with daCi which has just successfully concluded in Adelaide, Australia. We look forward to more reports on this event in the next issue.

Download: Channels June 2018 pdf-icon [PDF 2.4MB]

Back issues of Channels can be downloaded from here. The archive of Channels dating back to 1996 is available from the Ausdance website.

New Edition of ‘Asia-Pacific Channels’


A new edition of Channels is available to download!

Asia–Pacific Channels is the bi-annual magazine of the World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific (WDAAP), published by Ausdance National in collaboration with MyDance Alliance in Malaysia. It profiles dance events and activities from WDA members throughout the Asia–Pacific region.

December 2017 Edition


  • Results from the November 2017 Annual General Meeting, and the list of the new WDAAP Executive Committee.
  • Outgoing WDAAP President Yunyu Wang (Taiwan) bids farewell, and welcomes Urmimala Sarkar (India), who is turning her Vice President role over to Stella Lau (Hong Kong).
  • Lubna Marium (Bangladesh) reports on her experience of the WDA Global Summit in Newfoundland, Canada, in July 2017.
  • Beautiful images from the works of the 8 selected emerging choreographers who attended the International Young Choreographers’ Project in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in July 2017.

Download: Channels Dec 2017 pdf-icon[PDF, 3MB]

Back issues of Channels can be downloaded from here. The archive of Channels dating back to 1996 is available from the Ausdance website.

New Edition of Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship

Choreolab, WDA Global Summit, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland, July, 2017. Photo: Linda Caldwell.
Choreolab, WDA Global Summit, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland, July, 2017. Photo: Linda Caldwell.

Volume 5, 2017 of the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS) is now available online at It contains double blind reviewed essays, along with a call for submission of essays for the JEDS Vol 6, 2018 issue.

We have introduced an new section for the next Volume, in the form of short Performance Reviews with photographs, that may be easier for non English speaking scholars.

JEDS is designed to serve the needs of international dance scholars who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or within 5 years of having graduated from a graduate program in dance or a related field.

JEDS is a project of World Dance Alliance, and is edited by Prof. Linda Caldwell (Texas Women’s University, USA) and Assoc. Prof. Urmimala Sarkar (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India).

Proposals Open for Panpapanpalya 2018


The WDA Global Education Network is partnering with daCi and the University of South Australia to host a global Dance Education Summit in Adelaide, Australia, 8-13 July 2018: Panpapanpalya 2018

Panpapanpalya 2018 will be one of the world’s largest
gatherings of dancers, dance educators, and artists of all ages,
generating new thoughts and ideas for dance learning and
teaching in the 21st century. The congress is centered on four
interwoven themes: dance, gathering, generations, learning,
summarised by the Aboriginal Kaurna word Panpapanpalya,
honouring Australia’s rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
dance practices, as well as indigenous dance cultures from around
the world.

Babies, young children, school and university students, dance
artists, community and cultural workers, parents and carers, as
well as educators, will be involved as participants and presenters
coming from all over the world.

  • Performance program — for Children/young people, Tertiary/University students, and Adults/intergenerational. Closing date: 16 October 2017.
  • Scholarly Gatherings — can be, but not limited to, papers, panel discussions, project dialogues, dance research workshops, lecture demonstrations, workshops, posters/installations, and Pecha Kucha. Closing date: 9 October 2017.
  • Twinning Projects — collaborations across the world. Closing date: 1 September 2017.

Registrations for the conference are also open. Early Bird rates close 1 February 2018.

Hosted by the University of South Australia.

WAAE New Project: Global Arts Learning Action

Established by 3 Europe-based educators, the mission of Global Arts Learning Action is to encourage and enable lower-income countries to place arts learning at the heart of their education systems, and mobilise the world’s educators, artists and cultural organisations to support these endeavours.

If you are an arts educator, you can support the project by sharing your knowledge and experience. We would be excited to hear from you, if you:

  • can suggest examples of promising practices and strategies that we should learn from
  • would like to participate in our workshop and policy seminar in September
  • can connect us to countries who could be interested in working with us
  • can help us to share our thinking with to key audiences

Email responses to, ideally by Friday 4 August. For more info, contact Joe Hallgarten, Co-founder of Global Arts Learning Action (Senior Associate, Innovation Unit): or 0044 7769702708.

More info:

Download the brief on WAAE Global Arts Learning Action.
Download the concept note on Global Arts Learning Action July 2017.

WAAE is a partner organisation of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific.

International Dance Day 2017


International Dance Day is celebrated on 29 April every year, and commemorates the birthday of French dancer, ballet master and reformer Jean-Georges Noverre. This year’s IDD message is by American choreographer Trisha Brown, who passed away on 18 March 2017, after a long career as an innovative dance maker.

Go to the official page of International Dance Day, hosted by the International Theatre Institute (ITI), to read the message, or download as PDF.

Submissions Extended for Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship

Photo by Jesse Scroggins, Courtesy Big Rig Dance Collective.

The Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship is a double-blind reviewed online journal published by World Dance Alliance. JEDS is designed to serve the needs of international dance scholars who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or within 5 years of having graduated from a graduate program in dance or a related field.

Deadline for submission for the fifth edition has been extended to 1 February 2017.

Download Guide for Contributors here [Word doc 1MB].