An International Journal of World Dance Alliance
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Deadline extended: 31 March
PUBLICATION DATE: October 15, 2019
The World Dance Alliance (WDA) announces a call for original scholarly articles and performance reviews for Volume 7 of the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS), from emerging scholars, in the discipline of dance. Authors must be currently pursuing a graduate degree (M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., or equivalent) or be within five years of having graduated (the degree does not need to be in dance, but the article must be focused on dance as an evolving discipline).
Manuscripts should contribute innovative scholarship into contemporary or historical dance, research methodologies, critical choreographic analysis, ethnographic studies, pedagogical practices, or other topics opening insights into the field of dance studies.
Articles and performance reviews are submitted to a double blind peer review.
JEDS is published online (https://www.jedsonline.net ) as an open access resource and linked through the World Dance Alliance Websites (http://www.wda-americas.net , http://www.wda-ap.org/ and http://www.worlddancealliance.net/ ). Articles and performance reviews are selected to ensure a diverse representation of global dance scholarship is included in each publication.
If you have questions, or would like to make a submission please email the guest editors:
Anja Ali-Haapala (Co-Chair: Early Career Researchers’ Community, Independent Researcher, Australia) and Sarah Knox (Co-Chair: Early Career Researchers’ Community, Lecturer in Dance Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand): JEDSsubmissions2019@gmail.com
2019 JEDS Guide for Contributors [PDF 77KB]
Affirmation-Page [DOC 17KB]