Call for Submissions: JEDS Issue no. XI

Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS) calls for submissions for its 11th edition, inviting original scholarly articles and reviews that critically engage with the theme: Complexities and Challenges in Dance/Dance Studies.

The journal offers a supportive forum for emerging scholars engaged in research and practice of dance. All submissions are double-blind peer reviewed. Authors must be pursuing a graduate degree such as M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., equivalent, or be within five years of having graduated (the degree does not need to be in dance, but the article must be focused on dance).

Submission deadline: 30 June 2024
Projected publication date: 15 Dec 2025

More info about submissions and the theme on the JEDS website:,%20Jeds%20issue%20no%20XI

New Website for JEDS

The Research & Documentation network of World Dance Alliance has launched new website for the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS).

JEDS is designed to serve the needs of international dance scholars who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or within 5 years of having graduated from a graduate program in dance or a related field. Articles featured in JEDS are selected through a double-blind review process by international reviewers with strong publishing records and established expertise in diverse fields of dance.

Check out the new website at

Calling for Guest Editors for JEDS

The Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS) invites applications for 2022-2023 Guest Editors.  

JEDS is an open access online journal produced by World Dance Alliance. JEDS publishes new research from scholars who are enrolled or within five years of earning a graduate degree in dance or a related area. Articles featured in JEDS are selected through a double-blind review process by international reviewers with strong publishing records and established expertise in diverse fields of dance. Articles are selected based on their originality of research and the contributions each makes to the future of dance praxis (theory and practice). The journal is currently produced in English.

The JEDS Advisory Committee is seeking several applicants to serve on a team of Editors for a two year term. The team of Guest Editors will do the following:

  • Invite and collect articles for submission
  • Distribute articles for blind review
  • Assimilate reviews and communicate with authors
  • Answer questions and assist authors with re-drafting 
  • Ready final drafts for online production by copyediting, captioning images, posting articles to the WordPress online forum

The team will be chosen from the applicant pool to represent the multiplicity of participating WDA regions. The team will work together, dividing the responsibilities in ways that make sense for the team and the journal. The team will need to meet with each other and communicate easily with each other and the JEDS Advisory Committee in order to establish and be accountable to a timeline and best practices in producing JEDS.

Submission Process

Please submit:

  1. CV (with mention of publication, teaching) – not more than 500 words.
  2. A vision statement – not more than 500 words.
  3. Send your application with a cover letter containing your email, contact details.
  4. Send the email to:
  5. Last date for submission: 30 March 2022.

Call for Submissions for JEDS 2021

The Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS), an online open access publication of the World Dance Alliance (WDA). This edition is co-edited by Drs Julie Mulvihill and Ilana Morgan.

This exciting publication is for emerging authors who are within five years of having graduated or currently pursuing a graduate degree. Further, the process and relationship between editor and author is pedagogical, where an editor helps an author with reviewer feedback as well as with mentoring the expansion of thinking and writing. 

Click HERE to read the 2021 Call for Proposals

Submission Deadline August 1, 2021

  • JEDS is a double-blind peer review journal. 
  • Innovative scholarship into contemporary or historical dance, research methodologies, critical choreographic analysis, ethnographic studies, pedagogical practices, or other topics which open insights into the field of dance studies are encouraged. 
  • Length can be variable but generally 6,000-8,000 words. 
  • Images, video, and other kinds of performing visual texts are welcome.

Call for Paper Submissions: 2020 Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship


An International Journal of World Dance Alliance



PUBLICATION DATE: 1 December 2020

Guest Editors: Dr. Priyanka Basu, Dr. Ilana Morgan, Dr. Julie Mulvihill
Coordinator (Submissions): Dr. A.P. Rajaram

The World Dance Alliance (WDA) announces a call for original scholarly articles and performance reviews for Volume 7 of the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS), from emerging scholars in the discipline of dance. Authors must be currently pursuing a graduate degree (M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., or equivalent) or be within five years of having graduated (the degree does not need to be in dance, but the article must be focused on dance as an evolving discipline).  

Manuscripts should contribute innovative scholarship into contemporary or historical dance, research methodologies, critical choreographic analysis, ethnographic studies, pedagogical practices, or other topics opening insights into the field of dance studies. Research should be original and supported by outside resources. Research engaging participants must show compliance with Institutional Human Participants Review procedures.

JEDS is published online ( ) as an open access resource and linked through the World Dance Alliance Websites ( , and ). Articles and performance reviews are selected to ensure a diverse representation of global dance scholarship is included in each publication.

If you have questions, or would like to make a submission please email the guest editors:

If you have questions, or would like to make a submission please email the Coordinator (Submissions) Dr. A. P. Rajaram:


Call for Paper Submissions & Guide for Contributors [DOCX 22KB]

Call for Paper Submissions: 2019 Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship


An International Journal of World Dance Alliance


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Deadline extended: 31 March

PUBLICATION DATE: October 15, 2019

The World Dance Alliance (WDA) announces a call for original scholarly articles and performance reviews for Volume 7 of the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS), from emerging scholars, in the discipline of dance. Authors must be currently pursuing a graduate degree (M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., or equivalent) or be within five years of having graduated (the degree does not need to be in dance, but the article must be focused on dance as an evolving discipline).

Manuscripts should contribute innovative scholarship into contemporary or historical dance, research methodologies, critical choreographic analysis, ethnographic studies, pedagogical practices, or other topics opening insights into the field of dance studies.

Articles and performance reviews are submitted to a double blind peer review.

JEDS is published online ( ) as an open access resource and linked through the World Dance Alliance Websites ( , and ). Articles and performance reviews are selected to ensure a diverse representation of global dance scholarship is included in each publication.

If you have questions, or would like to make a submission please email the guest editors:

Anja Ali-Haapala (Co-Chair: Early Career Researchers’ Community, Independent Researcher, Australia) and Sarah Knox (Co-Chair: Early Career Researchers’ Community, Lecturer in Dance Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand):


2019 JEDS Guide for Contributors [PDF 77KB]
Affirmation-Page [DOC 17KB]

New Edition of Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship

Choreolab, WDA Global Summit, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland, July, 2017. Photo: Linda Caldwell.
Choreolab, WDA Global Summit, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland, July, 2017. Photo: Linda Caldwell.

Volume 5, 2017 of the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS) is now available online at It contains double blind reviewed essays, along with a call for submission of essays for the JEDS Vol 6, 2018 issue.

We have introduced an new section for the next Volume, in the form of short Performance Reviews with photographs, that may be easier for non English speaking scholars.

JEDS is designed to serve the needs of international dance scholars who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or within 5 years of having graduated from a graduate program in dance or a related field.

JEDS is a project of World Dance Alliance, and is edited by Prof. Linda Caldwell (Texas Women’s University, USA) and Assoc. Prof. Urmimala Sarkar (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India).

Submissions Extended for Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship

Photo by Jesse Scroggins, Courtesy Big Rig Dance Collective.

The Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship is a double-blind reviewed online journal published by World Dance Alliance. JEDS is designed to serve the needs of international dance scholars who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or within 5 years of having graduated from a graduate program in dance or a related field.

Deadline for submission for the fifth edition has been extended to 1 February 2017.

Download Guide for Contributors here [Word doc 1MB].

Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship Call for Papers


The fourth edition of the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship has extended the deadline for paper submissions until 18 January 2016. For postgraduate students and those within 5 years of finishing a doctoral or master’s degree, this is an opportunity to have your research blind-reviewed by two professional dance scholars (Linda Caldwell, Professor and Coordinator of Doctoral Studies in Dance, Texas Woman’s University, United States, and World Dance Alliance-Americas, and Urmimala Sarkar, Associate Professor, School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, and World Dance Alliance-Asia Pacific) as you prepare for future publications. The author retains her or his copyright within this open access format.

If you have questions, please contact Linda Caldwell at

Download the call for papers.