New Edition of ‘Asia-Pacific Channels’


A new edition of Channels is available to download!

Asia–Pacific Channels is the bi-annual magazine of the World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific (WDAAP), published by Ausdance National in collaboration with MyDance Alliance in Malaysia. It profiles dance events and activities from WDA members throughout the Asia–Pacific region.

December 2017 Edition


  • Results from the November 2017 Annual General Meeting, and the list of the new WDAAP Executive Committee.
  • Outgoing WDAAP President Yunyu Wang (Taiwan) bids farewell, and welcomes Urmimala Sarkar (India), who is turning her Vice President role over to Stella Lau (Hong Kong).
  • Lubna Marium (Bangladesh) reports on her experience of the WDA Global Summit in Newfoundland, Canada, in July 2017.
  • Beautiful images from the works of the 8 selected emerging choreographers who attended the International Young Choreographers’ Project in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in July 2017.

Download: Channels Dec 2017 pdf-icon[PDF, 3MB]

Back issues of Channels can be downloaded from here. The archive of Channels dating back to 1996 is available from the Ausdance website.

Contemporising the Past: Envisaging the Future


Refereed Proceedings of the 2014 World Dance Alliance Global Summit

Edited by Cheryl Stock & Patrick Germain-Thomas

Available online:

With a strong emphasis on the interconnection between theory and practice, and how past/present intersections inform the future, these thirty-one articles by artist/scholars and artist/teachers profile current dance research from thirteen countries.

The papers coalesce around five sub-themes:

‘In exploring the cognitive and the sensory, the rational and the instinctive, the explicit and the implicit, these writings create and celebrate common and differentiated dance understandings—at times directly and provocatively, and at times liminally and poetically.’ —Cheryl Stock, AM

*These refereed Conference Proceedings have been published according to international academic research standards with double blind refereeing of full papers followed by an editorial process of revisions.

© 2015, World Dance Alliance and Ausdance
Copyrights for individual papers are held by the authors.

ISBN 978-1-875255-20-7