June 2022 Edition of Asia-Pacific Channels

The biannual magazine of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific contains reports from our executive committee, our network chairs and our country chapters, as well as reports from the recent World Dance Alliance Executive Meeting and WDA Asia-Pacific Annual General Meeting.

Some highlights in this edition:

  • A feature from the Korea chapter, including this year’s International Dance Day message by Korean dancer Kang Sue-Jin;
  • An announcement of the new website for JEDS, the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship;
  • A report from the World Alliance for Arts Education on recent activities celebrating International Arts Education Week;

…as well as beautiful and inspiring images of dance from across the Asia-Pacific region.

Cover image for this edition, and image above: Dancers from Pichet Klunchun Dance Company outdoors in Paris in December 2021, after the performance of classical Khon masked dance piece “The Combat of Rama and Todsakan,” at Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac. Photo: Korn Takang

Back issues of Channels can be downloaded from here. The archive of Channels dating back to 1996 is available from the Ausdance website.

New Website for JEDS

The Research & Documentation network of World Dance Alliance has launched new website for the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS).

JEDS is designed to serve the needs of international dance scholars who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or within 5 years of having graduated from a graduate program in dance or a related field. Articles featured in JEDS are selected through a double-blind review process by international reviewers with strong publishing records and established expertise in diverse fields of dance.

Check out the new website at http://jedsonline.in

SWEAT Hong Kong International Dance Festival | Virtual

Organized by the School of Dance at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, held between 17 and 25 June 2022, SWEAT is specially curated for the international dance community to meet, innovate, research, share and dance. This year, leading dance academies, artists, scholars and other practitioners will “arrive” in Hong Kong to reconnect and explore new frontiers of dance and beyond.

Come meet creative residents at ArtsCross Hong Kong 2022 to explore dance & technology “in the clouds”; celebrate the re-connection of dance academies and talented students at the first Digital International Festival for Dance Academies (IFDA) with screenings and interactive student forums and selected commissioned dance films. Presented by the World Dance Alliance and co-presented with the Hong Kong Dance Alliance (HKDA), the World Dance Alliance (WDA) Global Summit aims to promote dance and wellness in response to the Covid-19 pandemic affecting the wellbeing of dance practitioners worldwide, with the theme Dance Offer/On New Energy. The sensational four-day virtual conference features a series of riveting and inspiring paper presentations, Pecha Kucha presentations, dance film screenings and more.

Watch the Festival Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCoJfm7nE2Y

Learn more: https://sweat-festival.hkapa.edu

Members of WDA can enjoy exclusive discounts, get your pass now at https://sweat-festival.hkapa.edu/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=100194209&

For more information, contact info@sweat-festival.com

2022 International Young Choreographer Project has been cancelled.

2022 International Young Choreographer Project has been cancelled.

Because of the spreading of COVID-19 in Taiwan, we are sorry to announce that the 2022 International Young Choreographer Project has to be cancelled. Hopefully, the project can be held in 2023.

If you still need furthur information, please contact the Project Office at Tso’s Dance Association
Chief of Secretary/Ms. Su-ling Chou
55, Hai-gong Rd., Tsoying, Kaohsiung 813, Taiwan
Email: dance30@tyhs.kh.edu.tw

Calling for Guest Editors for JEDS

The Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS) invites applications for 2022-2023 Guest Editors.  

JEDS is an open access online journal produced by World Dance Alliance. JEDS publishes new research from scholars who are enrolled or within five years of earning a graduate degree in dance or a related area. Articles featured in JEDS are selected through a double-blind review process by international reviewers with strong publishing records and established expertise in diverse fields of dance. Articles are selected based on their originality of research and the contributions each makes to the future of dance praxis (theory and practice). The journal is currently produced in English.

The JEDS Advisory Committee is seeking several applicants to serve on a team of Editors for a two year term. The team of Guest Editors will do the following:

  • Invite and collect articles for submission
  • Distribute articles for blind review
  • Assimilate reviews and communicate with authors
  • Answer questions and assist authors with re-drafting 
  • Ready final drafts for online production by copyediting, captioning images, posting articles to the WordPress online forum

The team will be chosen from the applicant pool to represent the multiplicity of participating WDA regions. The team will work together, dividing the responsibilities in ways that make sense for the team and the journal. The team will need to meet with each other and communicate easily with each other and the JEDS Advisory Committee in order to establish and be accountable to a timeline and best practices in producing JEDS.

Submission Process

Please submit:

  1. CV (with mention of publication, teaching) – not more than 500 words.
  2. A vision statement – not more than 500 words.
  3. Send your application with a cover letter containing your email, contact details.
  4. Send the email to:  JEDSsubmissions2020@gmail.com
  5. Last date for submission: 30 March 2022.

December 2021 Edition of Asia-Pacific Channels

Erl Sorilla's work "Musa", filmed at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Photo: Lester John Reguindin

The biannual magazine of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific contains reports from our executive committee, our network chairs and our country chapters, as well as updates on upcoming events.

This edition features:

  • A report on WDAAP’s project to raise and distribute funds for seed grants for dance makers in India & Bangladesh;
  • More information about the upcoming SWEAT Hong Kong International Dance Workshop Festival in June, which will host the 2022 World Dance Alliance Global Summit;
  • A discussion on abuse of power within the dance community, by Paramita Saha of unmute.help, reprinted from Narthaki.com;

…as well as beautiful and inspiring images of dance from across the Asia-Pacific region.

Download the magazine in PDF format.

Cover image for this edition: Erl Sorilla’s “Musa”, filmed at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Photo: Lester John Reguindin.

Back issues of Channels can be downloaded from here. The archive of Channels dating back to 1996 is available from the Ausdance website.

“Begin Again” – Small Grants for Individual Dance Makers

World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific invites applications for the “Begin Again” Small Grants for Individual Dance Makers, to support young and emerging dancers and choreographers from India and Bangladesh.

In these challenging times, dancers and choreographers in Bangladesh and India have undergone a particularly harsh struggle. Not only have they coped with loss of livelihood, but also with the huge anxiety and suffering that accompanied the recent wave of COVID-19 illness and death across the subcontinent.

“Begin Again” Small Grants aim to:

  • Encourage dance makers and choreographers to “Begin Again” and continue their work, despite challenging circumstances. 
  • Provide funding for young, emerging dancers/choreographers to “kick start” their creativity and innovation and to push the boundaries of their artistic practice. 
  • Connect dancers & choreographers with each other for peer review and feedback. 
  • Enable dance artists to showcase their work to the world through digital channels and platforms while pandemic measures and limitations are in place.

Each of the ten successful applicants will receive:

  • USD $300 to put towards the development of a new dance work: a 2-3 minute dance video, in any genre, solo or group, filmed and presented as one continuous take.
  • Peer review and feedback for the development of the dance video.
  • Showcase of the dance video at SWEAT Festival in Hong Kong during the World Dance Alliance Global Summit events from 22-24 Jun 2022.

To apply for the grant, please read the guidelines in the document below, and return the completed application form to wdaapbenefit@gmail.com.

Deadline for applications: 1 October 2021.

Grant Guidelines & Application Form:

PDF Format [109kb]
Word DOC format [259kb]


“Begin Again” Small Grants for Individual Dance Makers is an outcome of “Building Resilience” A Covid Fundraising Benefit for Dance Makers in India & Bangladesh. Thanks to all our generous donors and to Sashar Zarif and the Chand Family for making this project possible.

June 2021 edition of Asia-Pacific Channels Magazine

A still from Kabaligtaran ng Gunaw, a dance  film choreographed by Ronelson Yadao, directed  by Jerrold Tarog, in the  Philippines. Photo: Pong Ignacio.

We have just published our June 2021 edition of Asia-Pacific Channels, the biannual magazine of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific.

The biannual magazine of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific contains reports from our executive committee, our network chairs and our country chapters, as well as updates on upcoming events.

Featured in this edition:

  • An intimate and affectionate obituary remembering Dr Sunil Kothari, a long-time member of WDAAP, contributed by arts journalist Sadanand Menon;
  • An announcement of our Covid fundraising benefit for dance makers in India and Bangladesh, which is coming up soon;
  • The call for submissions for the 2021 edition of the Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship;
  • A new section of reports from our partner organisations, featuring updates from the World Alliance for Arts Education and daCi (dance and the Child International);

…as well as beautiful and inspiring images of dance from across the Asia-Pacific.

Channels cover image: Hideout, choreographed by Wenjinn Luo, performed by Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company, Taiwan. Photo: Shi-fan Tsai.

Download the PDF from our website, free to share with your dance communities: http://www.wda-ap.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Channels_June_2021-1.pdf

Back issues of Channels can be downloaded from here. The archive of Channels dating back to 1996 is available from the Ausdance website.

[Top image: A still from Kabaligtaran ng Gunaw, a dance film choreographed by Ronelson Yadao, directed by Jerrold Tarog, in the Philippines. Photo: Pong Ignacio.
Channels cover image: Hideout, choreographed by Wenjinn Luo, performed by Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company, Taiwan. Photo: Shi-fan Tsai.]

Call for Submissions for JEDS 2021

The Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship (JEDS), an online open access publication of the World Dance Alliance (WDA). This edition is co-edited by Drs Julie Mulvihill and Ilana Morgan.

This exciting publication is for emerging authors who are within five years of having graduated or currently pursuing a graduate degree. Further, the process and relationship between editor and author is pedagogical, where an editor helps an author with reviewer feedback as well as with mentoring the expansion of thinking and writing. 

Click HERE to read the 2021 Call for Proposals

Submission Deadline August 1, 2021

  • JEDS is a double-blind peer review journal. 
  • Innovative scholarship into contemporary or historical dance, research methodologies, critical choreographic analysis, ethnographic studies, pedagogical practices, or other topics which open insights into the field of dance studies are encouraged. 
  • Length can be variable but generally 6,000-8,000 words. 
  • Images, video, and other kinds of performing visual texts are welcome.
  • https://www.jedsonline.net/2021-call-for-submissions/

Building Resilience: Donation Page

MyDance Alliance logo.

All donations to “Building Resilience: A Covid Benefit for Dance-Makers in India & Bangladesh” will be collected through the PayPal account of MyDance Alliance, the Malaysian country chapter of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific, and held in trust for WDAAP.

Donation amount

To donate another amount of your choice, use the button below: