2015國際青春編舞營 — 舞者甄選



經過激烈的甄選,在眾多出色的年輕編舞者中,共有五位外國編舞者及三位臺灣編舞者脫穎而出,分別是:Melissa Sanderson(美國)、Davy Yon(柬埔寨)、Lewis Major(澳洲)、Jed Amihan(菲律賓)、及Jeong Yun Lee(韓國);三位來自台灣的編舞者為:鄭伊涵、顏可茵、賴翃中。





81344高雄市左營區海功路55號 高雄市左派舞蹈協會 收

或以電子郵件方式寄到 dance20@mail.tyhs.edu.tw

報名截止日期為 626日(週五)敬請把握報名時間,逾期恕不受理。


周素玲老師 dance@mail.tyhs.edu.tw

專案助理 李芳華 dance20@mail.tyhs.edu.tw


International Dance Day 2015

Photos: Israel Galván. By Felix Vazquez. Courtesy Joyce. - See more at: http://www.dancemagazine.com/reviews/September-2011/Israel-Galvn#sthash.uYy9R5bU.dpuf
Photo: Felix Vazquez. Courtesy Joyce. – See more at: http://www.dancemagazine.com/reviews/September-2011/Israel-Galvn#sthash.uYy9R5bU.dpuf

International Dance Day will be celebrated on 29 April throughout the world. This year’s official ITI/UNESCO message for International Dance Day comes from Israel Galván, an Associate Artist of Théâtre de la Ville Paris and Mercat de les Flors Barcelona.

In 1982 the Dance Committee of ITI founded International Dance Day to be celebrated every year on 29th April, anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), the creator of modern ballet. The intention of the International Dance Day Message is to celebrate Dance, to revel in the universality of this art form, to cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers and to bring people together with a common language – Dance. Every year a message from an outstanding choreographer or dancer is circulated throughout the world. The message author is selected by the International Theate Institute ITI on a proposal of the Dance Committee and the message is sent out to be translated into the different languages of the world and distributed widely.
