Hot on the heels of the last edition, World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific is delighted to present the June 2019 edition of Asia-Pacific Channels, the biannual magazine of World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific.
Some highlights of the edition include:
- Considerations of the future of the WDAAP Education & Training Network, amid larger discussions of the role of WDA.
- A report from India with lovely views of the upcoming Ocean Dance Festival venue for the WDAAP AGM in Bangladesh.
- Special announcements of the World Dance Alliance Global Summit 2020 in Hong Kong.
…as well as our usual executive reports, network reports, and country chapter reports.
Download June 2019 Asia Pacific Channels [
PDF 3.8MB]
Asia–Pacific Channels is the bi-annual digital magazine of the World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific (WDAAP). It profiles dance events and activities from WDA members throughout the Asia–Pacific region.
Back issues of Channels can be downloaded from here. The archive of Channels dating back to 1996 is available from the Ausdance website.