World Dance Alliance–Asia Pacific (WDA-AP) Singapore International Dance Conference Festival (SIDCF) 2024 1st to 4th September

SIDCF ’24 is about a month and a half away. We are excited and look forward to welcoming you all.

Before your arrival, here is some essential information for you to take note of :

The WDA-AP AGM for all members is on Sunday, 1st of September, from 1300 to 1500.

– All participants who are non-members interested in finding out more about WDA-AP are welcome to attend.

– Registration for members and non-members is at the door.

Registration on Monday, 2nd of September, will open at 0800

– The event fee is to be paid in Singapore dollars upon registration.

– Non-member is to pay S$100/- and member is to pay S$70/-.

You can find the all schedule , performance rundown and hotel link here

for more information, please visit the website

Finally, if you should have any concerns or queries,

– on the festival and master class, please get in touch with the Festival Office, World Dance Alliance Singapore

– on the paper presentation, please get in touch with Dr Urmimala Sarkar at

– on performance presentation, please get in touch with Prof Yunyu Wang at

With warm regards,

SIDF ’24 working team